+880711-254777 (Admission)


Class Room
All the Classroom of CBST are well decorated and equipped nicely and the environment is very much favorable for study.
CBST’s Library is rich with a variety books and journals required by the students to facilitate their study and research. The library is Computerized and connected with high speed broadband internet. students can browse easily for latest information and update their knowledge. Library is spacious enough to accommodate a large number of students.
Computer Lab & Internet Facilities
CBST is dedicated to provide the most modern facility both in terms of hardware and software is committed to upgrade these facilities to keep pace the ever changing world of information and communication technology. Its computer labs are equipped with Microsoft Windows Server 2007 and red Hat Linux Advance Server 2.1 based Local Area Network (LAN) connected to internet via Broadband connections. The LAN also connected with high profile network printers, scanner and other peripheral devices.
Digital Laboratory
CBST has several laboratories in which modern facilities are available for conducting practical classes for the subject they study, All this digital laboratories are spacious and well ventilated.
Student Counseling
Students counseling is a remarkable feature of CBST. the main object of counseling is to keep the students engaged in studies and co-curricular activity. if any students finds difficulty in following lecture or participating in co-curricular activity or in coping up with other students he/she is given proper advice and co-operation to overcome problem.
English Language Club
English Language Club offer manage and co-coordinator various English language courses for different deferments in order help students brush up inherent weakness and further develop English proficiency. The courses range form remedial English courses to advanced writing, speaking, listening and writing courses.
Co-Curricular Activities
CBST gives adequate important to develop co-curricular activities of the students by organizing co-curricular activities. CBST has different clubs such as sports club, debating club, social development & environmental club.
Teaching Methodology
CBST provides efficient teacher for the courses who design their courses according to course outlet and provide a guideline and schedule for each topics . the Teaching methodology of CBST includes:
Formal Lecture
Case Study
Ongoing practices/group works
Dissertation/Project Work
Audio Visual/Multimedia Resources
Internet Working
Multimedia and Overhead Project Support
In modern Education System use of multimedia and overhead projects has been very popular and effective in arranging classes. CBST uses multimedia and overhead projector in classes to facilities students in understanding the topics.
Common room & Prayer room
There are separate common room & prayer room foe male and female students.
Campus Environment
Politics free atmosphere
smoking free campus
Uninterrupted electricity Supply